
Do’s and Don’ts of Communicating With Your Toddler

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  • Do’s and Don’ts of Communicating With Your Toddler

Before getting too excited or expecting too much, let’s state that talking with your toddler means communicating with your toddler. As much as we would love it to mean using our native language, that is beyond the realm of expectation when talking about a baby between the ages of 0 and 9 months. Entering the stage of toddlerhood can be a scary yet surprisingly thrilling experience at the same time for both toddlers and parents. Believe it or not, language and communication are often deciding factors when it comes to cognitive development. It forms the very foundation on and around which other knowledge is formed and develops. Luckily for you, we’ve got a few tricks to help you sleep and a few tips that will help you communicate with your toddler in a better way.

How To Talk With Kids?

Talking with your toddler can be harder than you have ever imagined if you go about doing it in the wrong way. As a new parent, it can be quite difficult to understand what your toddler needs and when he or she needs it. You must keep your eyes and ears wide open to effectively communicate with your toddler. Toddlers try to communicate through signs and gestures to indicate what they want. This is because the process of language formation is just starting and they cannot form words. Instead, they utter what is called ‘baby language’, more formally known as babbling. Now that you have a fair idea of what communicating with your toddler entails, let’s have a look at some of the do’s of talking to your toddler.

Do’s Of Talking To Your Toddler

  1. Encourage expression-
  2. Create an atmosphere that is conducive and encourages the development of effective communication skills for your toddler. Only if and when your toddlers feel comfortable at home, will he or she begin to express how they feel. It is important to validate their emotions and feelings even though they cannot communicate using words. Start with simple questions that require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer before moving on to more complicated ones. Talking to your toddler about your day even though he can’t fully comprehend it is a good way of encouraging communication and expression.

  3. Have patience
  4. It has often been said that patience is the mother of all virtues and indeed, it proves to be entirely true in this case. Since toddlers are still trying to understand what communication is, it will involve a lot of effort and time. While it may get a little frustrating at first, have patience as things are sure to pick up. Having patience when talking to your toddler shows your toddler how much care and love you have for him or her.

  5. Use lucid language
  6. Keep the language simple and use either monosyllabic or disyllabic words which are easy to pronounce and understand. At times, repeating one word over and over again helps foster a steady and stable platform for language development in toddlers.

  7. Use play as a tool for communication
  8. Incorporating play and playful activities when talking to your toddler can be a good way of keeping your toddler engaged. Toys or props could be used to demonstrate ideas or concepts. This goes a long way in enhancing understanding along with building communication skills.

  9. Routine practice
  10. Communicating with your toddler shouldn’t be a once-in-a-while sort of activity. Allot a time every day to talk to your toddler. It is when your toddler becomes familiar with the exercise and the usage and sounds of words that cognitive development and language formation are strengthened. Remember that when talking with your toddler consistency is key.

  11. Celebrate achievements
  12. Reward your toddler for performing desired behaviour which is expected and right. One of the tips for talking to your toddler is acknowledging their small achievements and milestones as they embark on their journey of language development. A reward-based system is one of the best ways of teaching children new things.

Don’ts Of Talking To Your Toddler

  1. Don’t use negative language or gestures
  2. Negative language does not only include the usage of negative words but also the tone of your voice and body language. Negative words may be counterproductive and result in your toddler bottling up his or her emotions and feelings. Children are only expressive when they are around people who are positive and in a safe and comfortable atmosphere. While you may need to reprimand your toddler from time to time, avoid criticising.

  3. Don’t interrupt your toddler
  4. Allowing your toddler to babble or express himself or herself through gestures and signs shows that you respect your toddler and how they feel. It encourages the development of linguistic ability, free thinking and expression. Listening to your toddler when he or she is trying to express himself or herself fosters the free flow of communication.

  5. Minimise screen time
  6. In a world filled with electronic gadgets and plenty of entertainment on television, even toddlers have got caught up in a world of screens. Nowadays there are a plethora of cartoons tailor-made just for toddlers. Create screen-free zones and timings in your house to encourage socialisation and interaction among human beings.

  7. Avoid comparisons
  8. Every toddler is different from the other. Each develops at their own pace and comparing your toddler to another will either set you up for disappointment or a false sense of happiness. Focus on your own toddler’s progress and celebrate the small victories.

  9. Do not disregard non-verbal communication
  10. Communication does not only involve talking. It also includes gestures, signs, facial expressions and body language. Acknowledge and respond to non-verbal communication as it impacts the progress of your child’s language development.

  11. Don’t talk in baby language
  12. While it is only natural for your child to speak in baby language and babble, you shouldn’t do the same. You should respond using simple words and focus on the phonetics of those words. This helps the child pick up their native language or mother tongue.

Our primary goal at EuroKids is to ensure the safety and growth of your little bundles of joy. Our team of highly skilled professionals work tirelessly to foster a positive atmosphere that is conducive to individual thinking, expression and communication. We deal with toddlers with utmost care as the formative years of their lives will determine who they will become in the future. If you want to learn more about what we do and how to care and nurture your child in the best way possible, then have a look at our blog.