
Essential backpack items: 10 Must-haves for every kid

Boy these ‘back to school’ days are pretty bittersweet, are they not? Or even that day when your kid attends school for the first time. On the one hand, you are really proud of how much your little baby, with their adorable child backpack, has grown. But on the other hand, you cannot help but feel how fast they are growing up. It almost feels like lightning speed! And that is kind of crazy!

That said though, as you pack your kids’ school backpacks (whether for the first time or the umpteenth time), take a good look at it. Really analyse all of its contents. Do your kids have everything they need? No, not the books and the stationary. You have obviously packed those. But is something missing? Something essential?

You see, in order to survive a school day, your kids need a little bit more than just books and pens. Which is why we thought we would come up with the ultimate backpack checklist to help you out. Here it begins!

  1. A water bottle
  2. The one thing your kids’ school backpacks should totally have is a water bottle. One that holds at least a litre of water. Especially in the case of older kids because school days can get long. An average of 6 to 7 hours long. And your kids need to stay adequately hydrated throughout so they have better focus and more energy to face the day. Trust us, they will be more productive and efficient when they are not thirsty. Just make sure the bottle is leak-proof for obvious reasons.

  3. A change of clothes
  4. You might think of this as an unconventional item on the list but it is a backpack essential for school. More so when you have young kids going off to junior school because the little ones can be messy. And some ‘oops’ moments are just plain unavoidable. Which means being safe is going to prove to be a whole lot better than being sorry. Spare clothes  including a pair of underwear and socks is a surefire way of ensuring your kid stays dry and clean in school too.

  5. Tissues and/or wet wipes
  6. You know what? Pack both! While wet wipes can come in handy in quickly cleaning off dirt and germs, paper towels can be extremely useful in wiping a runny nose or sticky glue. Both of them actually are perfect quick clean fixes and your kid would be really grateful for having either one on them when they need them the most. Just be sure to teach them to dispose of dirty tissues the right way.

  7. Healthy snacks
  8. Like we said before, school days can be long. And your well-intentioned lunch might not be enough for your kids to pull through the day with optimal energy levels. Ergo, healthy snacks to the rescue! High protein snacks with low sugar content are your best to provide your kids with the energy they need to go through a round of classes and extracurricular activities without breaking a sweat.

  9. A pencil case
  10. Make sure it is their favourite one with all those different slots for neat organisation! Your kid will definitely need a lot of stationary for their classes. From pens and pencils to erasers, sharpener, scale and a spare set of ink refills. Stowing them away casually in a bag pocket can make them a challenge to find, not to mention the accidental breakage or leaks that can happen too. To prevent all this is why a pencil case is a backpack essential for school.

  11. A journal
  12. Your kids will experience a lot of different emotions throughout their school day. Some happy. Some neutral. And some are a little difficult to navigate through. Encouraging them to write about their feelings in a journal will help them comprehend and manage their own emotions better. So make sure you pack their journal in their backpack.

  13. A first-aid kit
  14. Of course your kids’ school will have an infirmary too with a first-aid kit, but certain medications might be specific to your child. And certain accidents can also happen to and fro from school. So to ensure your child is always armed to the hilt to deal with minor injuries and ailments, pack in a first-aid kit in their bag.

  15. A torch
  16. Whether the sun sets early by the time your child gets home or if they are just part of a later shift of the school they attend, a torch can come in handy as they navigate their way back home. Besides, you never know when the lights go out and your kid needs a light to help them out. We suggest getting one of those rechargeable batteries that you can plug in whenever they run out of juice.

  17. A map
  18. Since your kids cannot carry a phone owing to school rules, giving them a map and a compass might be a good idea. More so, if it is a new school and they are unfamiliar with the area. Having a map and a compass on them will prevent them from going off into the wrong direction. Ask your school if they have a campus map too. You can pack that in as well so your child faces no difficulty in finding their classes at school.

  19. Emergency contact information
  20. A total backpack essential, your kids should always have their emergency contact information on them at all times. God forbid if they ever need it, but if they do, at least it will be ten times easier to contact you. Make sure your number on the emergency contact card is up to date. Have a recent picture of your kid on the card too, just in case.

Your child’s backpack should not be just for books. It should have everything they need for any given situation they may face in and around school. No, we do not have any intention to scare you. We just want you and your kids to be well-prepared to face any kind of school day that comes their way without a hitch. That is all.

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