Short Animal Poems

15 Short Animal Poems for Kids of all Ages

If there’s one thing that will get your child grooving quite unlike anything else, it is this: An Animal Poem!

Nothing quite beats the charm of a good old animal poem. Especially when it’s from the stable of short animal poems, that children find easy to memorize and tap their feet to as they sing along. Combine those addictive rhymes with their love for animals, and you get a wonderful ‘cocktail’ of lyrical fun that your child will return to time and again!

Our team at EuroKids believes that listening to short animal poems makes for a most marvelous introduction to the world of Poetry. In this article, we have curated for you a list of the best short animal poems to recite to your child. From funny animal poems for kids to easy animal poems for kids, you can rest assured they will find a poem or two herein, that they will memorize in no time!

Ready to delve into our collection of short animal poems? Dive right then, into our list of 15 easy animal poems for kids.

Table of Contents

Easy Animal Poems for Kids: 15 Short Animal Poems for Kids of all Ages

Looking for some funny animal poems for kids? Or simply some easy animal poems for kids to memorize with a sense of relish?

Presenting our list of 15 short animal poems, to engage your little one with.

  1. A Wise Old Owl
  2. A wise old owl sat in an oak
    The more he heard, the less he spoke
    The less he spoke, the more he heard
    Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?

  3. Baa, Baa Black Sheep
  4. Baa, baa, black sheep
    Have you any wool?
    Yes sir, yes sir,
    Three bags full
    One for the master
    One for the dame
    And one for the little boy
    Who lives down the lane

  5. Bingo
  6. There was a farmer had a dog
    And Bingo was his Name-O

  7. Hickory Dickory Dock
  8. Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse went up the clock.
    The clock struck one. The mouse ran down.
    Hickory Dickory dock.

  9. Old MacDonald had a Farm
  10. Old MacDonald had a Farm
    And on that farm he had a cow
    With a Moo Moo here
    And a Moo Moo there
    Here a Moo, There a Moo
    Everywhere a Moo Moo
    Old MacDonald had a Farm

  11. Once I saw a Little Bird
  12. Once I saw a little bird
    Go hop, hop, hop
    So I said, ‘Little bird,
    Will you stop, stop, stop?’

    Then I was going to the window
    To say ‘How do you do?’
    But he shook his little tail,
    And away he flew!

  13. Mary had a little Lamb
  14. Mary had a little lamb
    Whose fleece was white as snow
    And everywhere that Mary went
    The lamb was sure to go.

    It followed her to school one day,
    Which was against the rules;
    It made the children laugh and play,
    To see a lamb at school.

  15. Three Blind Mice
  16. Three blind mice.
    Three blind mice.
    See how they run.
    See how they run.
    They all ran after the farmer’s wife,
    Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
    Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
    As three blind mice?

  17. Row, row, row your boat
  18. Row, row, row your boat,
    Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
    Life is but a dream.

  19. Little Bo Peep has lost her Sheep
  20. Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
    And doesn’t know where to find them!
    Leave them alone
    And they will come home,
    Wagging their tails behind them!

  21. Little Boy Blue
  22. Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn,
    The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn.
    But where is the boy, who looks after the sheep?
    He’s under a haystack, he’s fast asleep.
    Will you wake him? No, not I,
    For if I do, he’s sure to cry.

  23. Eletelephony by Laura Elizabeth Richards
  24. Once there was an elephant,
    Who tried to use the telephant-
    No! No! I mean I mean an elephone
    Who tried to use the telephone-
    (Dear me! I am not certain quite
    That even I have got it right)

  25. Animal Fair
  26. I went to the Animal Fair,
    The birds and beasts were there;
    The big baboon by the light of the moon
    Was combing his auburn hair.

    The monkey fell out of his bunk
    And slid down the elephant’s trunk,
    The elephant sneezed – Achoo!
    And fell on his knees
    And what becomes of the monkey, monkey, monk?

  27. Where, oh where has my little Dog gone?
  28. Where, oh where has my little dog gone?
    Oh where, oh where can he be?
    With his ears cut short
    And his tail cut long,
    Oh where, oh where can he be?

  29. Incy Wincy Spider
  30. Incy Wincy Spider
    Climbed up the water spout.
    Down came the rain
    And washed the spider out.
    Out came the sunshine,
    And dried up all the rain.
    So the Incy Wincy Spider
    Climbed up the spout again.

At EuroKids we believe that there’s nothing quite like fun animal poems to get your children moving and singing along. Recite one of these short animal poems to your child today. Not only will this keep them happily engaged for hours, it will rekindle their love for animals in general, too!