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12 Enchanting Princess Stories for Kids to Enjoy

Indian children, like kids all over the world, have always been fascinated by princess stories. For ages, young readers have drawn inspiration from tales of courage, goodness prevailing over evil, and kindness. If you want some great stories to tell your children, then these 12 enchanting princess stories for kids will take them on a beautiful journey.

Cinderella: A Story of Resilience

One of the most well-known stories globally is also one that teaches perseverance and hope. Even though she faces many challenges living with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella never loses faith in herself or gives up trying for what she wants most – attending the royal ball where Prince Charming awaits. The fairy godmother helps this poor servant girl achieve just that, but not before leaving behind an important lesson about being kind even when it seems hard, plus also reminding kids that things can only get brighter after they are darkest. Many consider it one of the best princess bedtime stories for kids!

Snow White: Forever Friends

Another classic fairytale called Snow white tells us about friendship, which lasts forever, as well as showing how innocence does not know evil until it meets jealousy disguised within a stepmother’s heart. After fleeing from home due to envy shown towards her beauty by her own mom, Little Snow finds solace among seven helpful dwarfs who become true guardians against any harm coming their way or hers too because they care deeply for each other, just like real friends should do no matter what happens around them either good times or bad ones alike shall pass away eventually leaving only true love behind that conquers everything standing against its power altogether even death itself if need be which is why people say that there’s nothing more powerful than love. Isnt it another classic princess bedtime stories for kids?

Sleeping Beauty

Which princess story should I read next? Sleeping beauty has been captivating audiences since time immemorial Princess Aurora, cursed by a wicked fairy, falls into everlasting sleep on her sixteenth birthday but awaken true love’s kiss breaks curse forevermore however what makes this particular narrative so intriguing lies within its magical aspect depicted throughout entire storyline thus creating ideal atmosphere required during bedtime hours.

Beauty and Beast

Beauty and the Beast is one of those tales that teaches kids about true beauty being skin deep because, as they say, looks can be deceiving. Belle finds herself trapped in an enchanted castle with a Beast but soon enough realises that there’s more to people than meets the eye. Therefore, children are encouraged not to judge others solely based on their appearance, which indeed is a great lesson for life itself.


Rapunzel happens to have been locked away by a witch who uses long hair. When the prince finally finds out, he rescues her, proving once again how essential bravery really should never be underestimated, especially when dealing with various challenges, as depicted in princess stories. This makes it the perfect bedtime reading material for young ones.

The Princess and the Pea

While The Princess and the Pea may not be as well-known as other classics on this list, its unique appeal and engaging plot make it a story that demands attention and praise. Such stories often add a little humour while still teaching kids important values like honesty or truthfulness, thus showing that real nobility goes beyond mere physical appearance alone.

Frog Prince

The Frog Prince emphasises the significance of fulfilling commitments; if you make a promise, maintain it no matter what occurs, because good things usually come from doing the right thing; hence, kindness always pays off in the end.

Aladdin & the Magic Lamp

Though not a typical princess narrative, it features Princess Jasmine, a strong, independent woman who captures Aladdin’s heart. This enchanting story goes far beyond a simple love story, offering a thrilling blend of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story teaches honesty, courage as well as freedom is priceless. This setting, combined with cultural references, makes this narrative particularly relatable for Indian readers.

The Little Mermaid

Ah, The Little Mermaid is both enchanting and sad at the same time. Ariel wants to become human so that she can spend time with the prince she adores. In making choices, children learn about giving up certain things forever because they want something else more than anything, which eventually leads them to lose everything, including what they initially had, also known as a sacrifice. Besides this, there are other lessons such as realising the consequences behind every decision made by any person no matter how old or young he/she might be, along with striving towards achieving his own goals despite challenges encountered on such a journey – all these aspects are covered within one story thus making it touching too. As far as princess stories for kids go, this is one of the best!


Mulan is unique when compared to traditional fairy tales since most of them share almost similar patterns while telling their stories, but not this one! Mulan isn’t just any ordinary princess because apart from being beautiful outside, she has an inner beauty too, which comes through especially during times when women were still expected to stay at home doing house chores, waiting for their husbands to return after work or battlefields where men should fight against enemies leaving behind all ladies including daughters who could have joined the army instead like Mulan did by disguising herself as a man so that she could take part in fighting against bad guys without her sick father knowing anything about it until later when everything was over only for him finding out what had happened then feeling proud about his daughter’s bravery shown throughout those tough moments experienced while serving as a soldier in place of her father; now that’s what I call true love between children and their parents!


Pocahontas was based on a real Native American girl who helped bring peace between her tribe and English settlers. In this tale, kids are taught about diplomacy, cultural awareness, and appreciation for nature, among other things like friendship. It is one princess story that widens their perspective while fostering empathy towards others through understanding different cultures represented in various movies or books, hence enabling them to appreciate diversity more, thus becoming better people who can work well with others regardless of where they come from or what background they have since at the end we all need each other in order to succeed as world citizens!

Frozen: The Tale of Two Sisters

The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen serves as an inspiration for the retelling of the tale of the two sisters, Elsa and Anna, in the film Frozen. Despite having exceptional ice talents, Elsa struggles to manage them. The sisters’ relationship is put to the test as Anna embarks on a risky mission to preserve their kingdom since they have to face both outside threats and inner demons. Children learn the enduring power of love, self-acceptance, and family from this endearing tale that is full of magic and adventure. This ranks pretty high on the Princess short stories for kids list!


These twelve engaging princess stories provide a magnificent tapestry of adventures, lessons, and everlasting wisdom. From bedtime stories to recreational experiences, they engage children’s imaginations and help them grow emotionally.

At EuroKids, we think that stories can inspire curiosity and creativity. Our specially crafted curriculum is designed to instil in children a love of learning and exploration, allowing them to develop into confident individuals. For more information, visit your nearest EuroKids centre today!