
10 Amazing Camel Facts That Kids Will Love

Hey there, young explorers! Are you willing to take the thrilling desert trip to appreciate one of the species nature has to offer? Indeed, we are talking about unbelievably cute little desert animals – camels! It is interesting to note that those fabulous creatures have been able to live in some of the most severe climates of the planet. Alright, here are some amazing camel facts that are going to amaze you like nothing else would!

Table of Content:

  1. Interesting Facts About Camels
  2. Characteristics of Camel
  3. Uses of Camel
  4. About Camel
  5. Physical Features of Camel
  6. Habitat Material of Camel

Interesting Facts About Camels:

  1. Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one go:
  2. Apologies for my literalism, but could you imagine drinking 40 large milk jugs full of water, in a few minutes? That is why you can hear such a statement, that explains the amazing abilities of camels: ‘That’s what camels can do!’ But here’s the coolest part: they can also go for several weeks without taking any form of water that is in the real sense of the word. Well, what do you think of that for a superpower?

  3. Camels have three eyelids:
  4. One of these eyelids has eyelashes which serve as shields against the eyes. The third eyelid is transparent and is like an auto glass and the camel can actually see through it even in the middle of the sand storms.

    Characteristics of Camel:

  5. Camels are known as the “Ships of the Desert”:
  6. It has its origin from the logistics discharge duties of these vehicles as they move across expensive deserts. Several times larger than horses, camel can carry up to 990 pounds (450 kg) on its back. That’s like carrying five kids at once!

  7. Camels can run at speeds up to 40 miles per hour:
  8. Which is much faster than most cars in the school zone, is it? But you don’t have to worry Camels are typically slow animals, and will cover a distance of approximately 3 miles per hour, when it comes to long distance transport.

    Uses of Camel:

  9. Camels provide more than just transportation: Camels have been used all throughout human history, for a variety of purposes and not exclusively for ride. Another animal product that is in Tanzania and a source of food is camel milk which can be processed to be cheese. It is used in the production of garments and the manufacture of tents. Even camel poop is useful – it can be dried and used as fuel for fires!
  10. About Camel:

  11. Did you know there are different kinds of camels? Though, there are two main types of camels The two main types are:
    • Dromedary camels: These have one hump and are inhabitant of the Middle East and North African region.
    • Bactrian camels: These have two humps and are found in Central Asia.

    To your thinking, which type do you suppose is more frequently used? If you said ‘dromedary,’ you’re correct! Dromedaries constitute nearly 90% of all the camels found in the whole world.

    Physical Features of Camel:

  12. A camel’s hump isn’t filled with water: A frequently suggested fact is that water is stored in the hump of the camels, however they actually hold fat. However, the humps consist of fat deposits which in case of lack of food the camel is able to use for energy. That bump can be as heavy as 80 pounds when crammed full!
  13. Camels have specially adapted feet: Camel feet are like nature’s snowshoes. It is broad and long, which doesn’t allow the camel to sink in the sandy desert plains as we find in this region. For the same reasons, they bear large and tough leather-like pads on their feet to offer them protection against the hot sand.

  14. Habitat Material of Camel:

  15. Camels are built for the desert.
  16. A lot of features of the camel are designed to enable it live in hot, dry climates only:

    • One is the length of their eyelashes, to shut out sand.
    • They can shut their noses, to prevent sand from entering.
    • Their big ears and dense body coat serve to protect them from the heat of the sun during the day and from cold during the night when they are in the deserts.
  17. Now, most of the time people associate camels with sandy deserts but the animals are also capable of living in other climatic conditions. Wild Bactrian camels are found in the rocky desert area of Mongolia and can tolerate extreme conditions; worse in winter it could reach -20°F to 100°F in summer.
  18. Now that you know these amazing facts, let’s test your knowledge:

    Q1: How many gallons of water can a camel drink in one go?

    Q2: What are the two main types of camels?

    Q3: What’s inside a camel’s hump?

    (Answers: 1. Up to 40 gallons, 2. Dromedary and Bactrian, 3. Fat)

    Camels, are not they, some of the most incredible creatures you could ever come across? Their flexibility to go without water for a long time, their peculiar body structure makes it a wonder how these are called the ‘ship of the desert’. The next time you encounter a camel, whether in a zoo, in a book you are reading or even in the real world should you be privileged to be in the desert, keep all these cool facts in mind!

Do you have a favorite camel fact from this list? Or maybe you know another interesting camel fact that wasn’t mentioned here? Share it with your friends and family – you might just become the camel expert in your class!

Remember, there’s always more to learn about the wonderful animals we share our planet with. Keep exploring, keep questioning, and keep marveling at the incredible adaptations nature has created!

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